Low ILUC-risk pilots

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The objective of the project is to pilot how biofuels can be produced and certified with a low risk of indirect land-use change (ILUC) impacts. We aim to conduct pilot projects across different geographical regions (Europe, South East Asia, Latin America) and crops (vegetable oil, sugar, and starch crops) to test a draft low ILUC-risk biofuel certification methodology. The project started in January 2020 and the pilots are planned to run until the end of 2022 (divided into two 18-month phases).


Currently, the EU limits the role of crop-based biofuels as well as high ILUC-risk fuels. These limitations are based on concerns about the impact of ILUC. This project aims to demonstrate that biofuels can be produced with a low risk of such effects. The goal is to develop and test a methodology that could be used for low ILUC-risk certification of any type of biofuel feedstock project. Pilot projects will aim to produce additional biomass, either through increasing yields on existing plots, or through producing biomass on previously unused or abandoned land.

The project will test the availability and accessibility of data, challenges, and uncertainties, and ultimately the extent to which low ILUC-risk certification is feasible within the methodology proposed in European legislation.

The certification methodology will be developed by Guidehouse based on the criteria for low ILUC-risk biofuels as set out in the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive and the accompanying Delegated Regulation on ILUC.

Findings from the project, including webinar slides and frequently asked questions can be accessed via the Publications page.

We continue to welcome stakeholder input and feedback throughout the project. For any comments, questions, or feedback, please contact us through this link.

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