
Webinar slides and updated FAQ Low ILUC Pilots available now

On 7 May 2024, the final project results of the low ILUC-risk pilot project were presented. The webinar was attended by almost 150 stakeholders from all over the world.

The webinar launched the projects’ final report and the low ILUC-risk certification guidance. Both can be found on the publication page.

For those who were unable to attend, the webinar slides can be downloaded here, as well as a list of frequently asked questions.

Save the date! | Webinar ‘certification of low ILUC-risk fuels’

On 7 May from 14:00-16:00 CET the low ILUC project team will present the final results of the low indirect land-use change (ILUC) certification pilot project for the European Commission (tender reference ENER/C2/2018-462 Lot 2). The webinar will focus on the insights from the pilot projects and reflect on the low ILUC-risk methodology. The final low ILUC certification guidance and project report are published on the project website.

Please register for the webinar via this link.

If you have any further questions, please contact .

Low ILUC Pilots - final deliverables published

The final results of the low ILUC pilot project for the European Commission (tender reference ENER/C2/2018-462 Lot 2) are published today. The final report is published, as well as the phase 2 pilot reports (listed below) and the low ILUC certification guidance, which is improved based on the insights of the second phase of the project, and can now be rolled out by EC-recognised voluntary schemes. Additional supporting documents like the audit checklist and management template developed during the pilots are provided as well. All insights of the ten pilot projects are gathered in the final project report, including the stakeholder consultation summary report. You can find the deliverables at our publication page.

  • Pilot Colombia, yield increase of palm oil by novel pollination.
  • Pilot Malaysia, yield increase of palm oil for small farmers.
  • Pilot France, yield increase through sequential cropping.
  • Pilot Spain, cultivation of Camelina on severely degraded land.
  • Pilot Brazil, yield increase of soybean through multiple yield increase measures.

Join us at EUBCE for a panel discussion on the role of Low ILUC-risk certification

Join us on Monday 5 June at 3-4pm CET at the 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Bologna, Italy. Members of the project team will be joining a panel discussion on the role of Low ILUC-risk certification. We will discuss key updates and conclusions from the Low ILUC-risk pilot project. An overview of the pilots and next steps for the project can be found here.

Review of greenhouse gas emission related to drainage of deep and shallow peat

The greenhouse gas emissions related to converting peat into plantations remains an crucial topic of discussion in the ILUC (indirect land use change) debate, as its conversion can cause high land use change emission. The review provides a brief overview of the process of converting peat land through drainage, its related emissions over time and provides insights on mapping of the extent and depth of peat. The paper can be found here.