
Low ILUC Pilots – Phase 1 findings

This report presents the interim findings for the low ILUC pilot project, reflecting on the results of the pilots conducted in the first half of the project (Phase 1) and recommendations for the Phase 2 pilots. Five pilots were conducted in Phase 1 to test the approach to certify low ILUC-risk biofuels. The five pilots test the certification methodology on farms and plantations in three different geographical regions (Europe, South-East Asia and Latin America) for different types of crops (oil crops and starch crops) and different types of “additionality measure” which aim to produce additional biomass, namely via yield increase on an existing farm or via cultivation on abandoned land. The report can be found here.

Response to Call for Data: Standard yield curve for oil palm

In July 2021, we published a Call for data, aiming to gather data on representative oil palm yield curves to develop and validate the “standard oil palm yield curve” that can be used to determine a yield baseline in the low ILUC certification methodology included in the draft Implementing Act on “rules to verify sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria and low indirect land-use change-risk criteria”. It is the shape of the curve that is most important when developing the reference curve, as the magnitude of the yield baseline is determined by the historic yields on the plantation being certified.

We received a good response from stakeholders, covering a range of different geographies in key oil palm producing countries. From the documents submitted, 31 yield curves were derived and analysed, covering both large scale and small holder plantations.

The analysis showed the curves had a high correlation with the yield curve used in Phase 1 of the low ILUC pilot project. The paper provides a normalised standard yield curve that can be used in the certification of low ILUC-risk oil palm.

The report can be found here.

Call for data: Standard yield curve for oil palm

We are seeking data on representative oil palm yield curves from agricultural ministries, research institutes, literature, and other stakeholders. This data is needed to develop a “standard” oil palm yield curve that can be used in the methodology to certify biomass from oil palm plantations included in the draft Implementing Act on “rules to verify sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria and low indirect land-use change-risk criteria”. The standard yield curve is combined with the actual yield from a plantation to estimate the baseline yield (an estimate of how the yield would have been in the absence of a yield increase measure).

We are reaching out to any stakeholders who may be able to provide representative oil palm yield curves. Data shared will be used to build an average yield curve that can be applied to different plantations. If desired, any data shared can be anonymized. Further information is included in this document.

We invite you to please send any data and literature references to  by 31 August.

Just released: EC public consultation on low ILUC-risk certification

Today the European Commission has published a draft Implementing Act on “rules to verify sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria and low indirect land-use change-risk criteria” for stakeholder consultation. The draft Implementing Act aims to set out detailed rules for voluntary schemes to certify sustainable biofuels, bioliquids, and biomass fuels according to the REDII (Renewable Energy Directive (EU)2018/2001). Chapter V and Annex VIII of the draft Implementing Act set out rules for certifying low ILUC-risk biomass.

The documents can be downloaded via the European Commission website:

The consultation is open until 27 July 2021 and feedback should be submitted via the European Commission website (link above).

First low ILUC risk pilot results presented at webinar

On the 19th of May 2021, the first Low ILUC results were presented for the pilots in Colombia, Uruguay, France, Malaysia, and Ukraine. The webinar reflected on the Low ILUC methodology on the basis of these pilot results and provided an opportunity for direct feedback and questions. It was attended by 200+ stakeholders.

In case you missed the webinar, you can watch the replay of the webinar here, and download the slide deck here! The slides include an Annex with more detailed findings per pilot, which was not presented during the webinar

We welcome any comments and feedback on the findings presented. For questions, please check the frequently asked questions, or send us your question by e-mail.